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Himachal Pradesh Marriage Customs

  • Roovary, Dhamu or Mazomi or Rivara: is a middle man.
  • In Himachal, the boy’s father pays to the girl’s father for defraying expenses of their marriage, which is a nominal payment and called “Dheir” but reverse is the case in the plains where girl’s family must give a gift (dowry) to the family of the boy.
  • When match is settled, the ritual gift called ‘Tikka’ is sent, which is observed by upper classes.
  • ‘Sagai’ or ‘Sotha’: is adopted by the folks of the middle class and low class. On behalf of the boy’s father, a priest or a relative takes a few ornaments and rupees to the girl’s parents. This offering is called ‘Sotha’, in Chamba it is called ‘Bandha Dena’ and in remote parts of Mandi it is called Barina.
  • Batta-Satta (exchange): a man getting wife in return of a sister or cousin.
  • In some areas during the various festivals, gifts of jewellery and cloths are sent the betrothed known as ‘Chharmi Nata’ in Kinnaur and Tihar
  • Batta satta /Atta Satta ka Nata(marriage by inter exchange) : By this system, a father promise his daughter’s hand to a boy whose father under obligation is to marry his daughter to a boy of some third man in whom the former is interested.

Types of marriages

  • Polyandry
  • Prevalent in Kinnaur, Lahaul Spiti and interior parts of chamba.
  • In this, if girl is married with eldest brother, she becomes wife of all brothers.
  • It is legacy of original tribal culture of the area.
  • Polygamy: Man marrying more than one woman.
  • Reet Marriage: when a married woman wants to leave her husband and marry another man, the first husband charges ‘Reet Money’ from the husband to be.
  • Jhanjrara, Gaddar or Paraina:
  • Marriage without Saptpadi (taking seven steps by the bride and groom around the fire)
  • Jhindphuk or Brar Phuk (bush burning )
  • Popular among the tribes of chamba and kangra.
  • Darosh, Dab Dhab
  • It is a tribal marriage, prevalent in Kinnaur. A girl is forcibly dragged away from a fair ground of a festival meeting. Immediately the boy’s father deputes two men to see the girl’s father. To seek their apology for the outrage committed by his son. He then ask them to make amends in terms of money known as ‘Izzat’, it varies from Rs 100 to Rs. 500.
  • Dam Chalshish: lovers elope together. But after settlement, a normal marriage follows. When girl departs from home, son-in-law presents the mother of the bride with a sum of five hundred rupees as ‘Masore’ or price of her milk.
  • Hari or Har :In this, when a boy kidnaps a girl or a girl elopes with her fiancé. It is called Har. When a woman, who is dissatisfied with her husband, goes and begins to live with another man is also called Har/Jhanjrara.
  • Rituals are performed, when woman settle down with new husband. The special ‘Pooja’ offered on this occasion is known as Nuala to lord shiva.


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